Monday, February 28, 2011


Well I can't believe it after working at the YMCA for over 4 years my longest job ever, I get to intern for them! I will be doing some advertising for new programs that they would like to start and the most exciting part will be help with planning events throughout the summer. The Foglia YMCA is a huge part of my life, and I'm so happy that I don't have to leave them for a summer. I'm excited to continue my learning experiences at my second home.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

St. Valentine

Well one of the biggest commercial holidays just passed so who bought into it? I will have to admit that Valentines Day is my second favorite holiday of the year. As commercial as it is it's nice to be reminded that someone loves and cares about you. But with that said why should there be a special day set aside for someone to remind you of that. A person should be reminded that they're loved and cared for 365 days out of the year. Over 110 million roses are sold each year for this holiday along with over 1.1 million different kinds of chocolate. How did Valentines Day start? There are many different stories as to how Valentines Day started, but from my understanding St. Valentine died on February 14th, leaving a note to his daughter signing it "your valentine" which over time became a date to send loving messages to your loved ones. I find it ironic that a death like St. Valentines now represents a day of appreciation and love. So I hope everyone had a good Valentines Day and if not I wish you love for the years to come.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Does this commercial really work?

I have four dogs at home so I guess you could say I'm an animal lover. We've all seen the ASPCA commercials, and if you're like me you turn the channel so you don't have to watch them. But if you're like me and you turn the channel so you don't have to watch these sad animals and the results of irresponsible people is ASPCA really receiving any money for these poor animals? I could not find the exact amount of how much ASPCA makes off of donations, but I would like to say this being a college student I don't find myself rolling in money. As much as I would like to donate to this marvelous group $18 dollars a month is a lot. I know there are many young people out there that wish they could donate to these poor animals. My wish would be that ASPCA lower their monthly donations so that students like me could make a difference in these animals lives. For more information as to what ASPCA does please go to